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Top tips for driving this Winter

Driving in winter- something we don’t tend to think about until something goes wrong.

However, in winter breakdowns and accidents are more common due to challenging weather and road conditions.

We are here to help!

Here are some of the best top tips to ensure you are fully prepared for driving in winter:

  1. Make sure you have plenty of fuel in your tank for the journey you are making, with harsher weather conditions you don’t want to get stranded
  2. Allow extra time for driving in bad weather conditions- traffic can build due to accidents or you may need to go slow in challenging weather
  3. Also allow extra time for de-icing the car- this means you wont feel rushed when driving, be sure to de-ice and fully de-mist all windows before setting off
  4. Look for quality screen wash additives that will help to prevent freezing, with snow and grit on the roads, screens can become dirty affecting visibility
  5. Plan your route if you are driving in bad weather
  6. Keep family and friends informed of your location and make sure your phone is charged, many map apps are now able to share your live location
  7. If the weather is particularly bad, ask yourself if the journey is completely necessary
  8. Be sure your car is well equipped for driving, it has been serviced, tyre conditions and pressures are correct, lights working, screen wash, oil and anti-freeze are kept topped up

Driving on tricky winter roads

  • If you need to use your brakes- press on them gently
  • To avoid wheel spin, you can pull away in second gear, gently easing your foot off the clutch
  • Leave plenty of room between you and other cars, especially when driving up or downhill

When driving downhill, try to use a lower gear and avoid breaking

Winter Driving Emergency Kit

It is best to be over-prepared when driving in winter, in case of breakdown or harsh weather try to keep the following items in your car:

Ice Scraper and de-icer
You must, by law, keep your front and rear windscreen clear of snow and ice when driving. De-icer can make your windscreen easier to scrape.

Torch and spare batteries
If you ever breakdown and the daylight is gone or going you are going being stuck without any light can be dangerous and frightening.

Extra layers and blankets
If you do happen to break down, there could be a long wait before a recovery service can get to you. Keeping extra layers and blankets in the car can help you keep warm while you wait.

High-visibilty jacket
Just in-case you need to leave your vehicle, having a high-vis jacket can help other drivers see you.

If you have any warm boots with a good grip it is good to keep them in your car in case you need to leave your vehicle, especially in snow and slippery conditions

First aid kit
A good-idea for any tim of year, just in case of any minor injuries.

Jump-start cables
A cars battery can go flat regardless of the age of the car and this is more likely in cold weather. Also brush up your knowledge on jump-starting a car.

Food and drink
Keeping bottled water and non-perishable food in the car will also help to keep you comfortable in case of long waits in the car such as breakdown or traffic.

Car wheels can easily get stuck in deep snow, having a shovel in the car means you can dig yourself out.

Reflective warning signs
Having 2 of these reflective signs will help warn other drivers to steer clear in case of a breakdown.