Health and Wellbeing Portal


HIIT for all abilities!

As the sun comes out and restrictions are easing you may find a new sense of motivation to get moving! However, you may also be suddenly finding yourself to be very busy.

This is where a HIIT workout comes in super handy. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, which is a workout made up of short bursts of intense, high energy exercise followed by an equal or longer amount of rest. Studies have supported that HIIT workouts can be great for fat burning and improving cardiovascular fitness in a short amount of time.

And this can all be done in around 20 minutes! Perfect for those busy days where you still ant to fit in your exercise.

This may now sound very intimidating and a bit of a killer workout- which it very well can be. However, when we say high intensity that means high intensity individual to you.

Someone else’s maximum effort will probably look very different to your maximum effort and that’s okay, as long as you are pushing yourself.

So here is a HIIT workout for you to try that has options for those who are new to HIIT and those who may have done some HIIT work before and want to push themselves even more intensity.

The exercises


Beginner- Reverse lunges

Step one foot straight back, keeping your torso straight with your shoulders relaxed and core engaged. Lower your hips until your knees are roughly at 90 degree angles, not letting your back knee hit the floor. Then step it back to the other foot, repeat on the other side.

Advanced- Lunge jumps

This is where you lunge, jump up, swap the legs and land in a lunge- and repeat again and again and again!


Beginner- Forward rocks

Start standing, bend at the hips (and knees if you need to, depending on your flexibility) until your hands reach the floor. Walk your hands forward a few steps until you can rock your body weight forward and over your shoulders, then walk your hands back towards our feet and come to standing. Repeat!

Advanced- Walkouts

Start standing, bend at the hips (and knees if you need to, depending on your flexibility) until your hands reach the floor. Walk the hands forward until you are in a full plank position as quick and controlled as you can, then walk your hands back and come to standing. Repeat!


Beginner- Step outs

Start from standing, bend down and place your hands on the floor, then step both your feet back so you are in plank position. Then step your feet back in and come to standing- that’s one repetition, and repeat.

Advanced- 180 Burpees

Bend down placing both hands on the floor, then jump your feet backwards so you land in a full plank position. The jump your feet back towards your hands, as you start to come up, jump as high as you can and turn 180 degrees to face to other side. And repeat!


Beginner- Incline press-ups

Start by placing your hands on a stable surface that is roughly as high as your hips (or however high as you need it- can also be done against the wall). From here straighten your arms and step your feet backwards until you have a line from your shoulders to your heels. Then you can lower your chest down towards the surface you are leaning on, and push yourself back up like a normal press-up.

Advanced- Press-ups

Get yourself into a press up position, so hands slightly below the shoulders, fingers pointing forwards, pulling your shoulders down away from your ears. Lower yourself until you are just above the ground as smoothly as you can and then push yourself up and away from the floor. Then repeat.


Beginner- Knee contractions

Get yourself into a full plank position so your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Draw one knee in towards your chest, aiming to keep your back straight. Then replace and repeat on the other side. Keep the movement slow and controlled.

Advanced- Mountain climbers

Start in a full plank position so your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Bring one of your knees in towards your chest, then replace and repeat on the other side, as fast as you can.

Perform each of these exercises for 20 seconds at your maximum effort, followed by a 40 second rest. If you want to make it even harder, you can make it 30 seconds work and 30 seconds rest.

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