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Full Body Mobility

As temperatures drop and the days get shorter, a lot of us have a tendency to let our movement and activity slip. The temptation to curl up everyday is great…I understand. However, this could lead to more aches and pains.

So here are some great stretches/exercises to get you moving and to help with any stiffness that might be causing you discomfort.

The exercises

Forward fold/ toe touch

Very simple exercise to start with, one that everyone will have done at some point. Stand nice and tall with your feet in a comfortable position and the knees neutral or soft. Raise the arms above the head, then bending at the hips (keeping the knees soft), lower the torso and reach the hands towards your feet (or the floor depending on how flexible you are). One key here is to keep the lower back as straight as possible for as long as possible so you are stretching the hamstrings rather than just rounding the back.

Wide stance forward twist

Stand with the feet nice and wide, once again, bend at the hips and reach both hands towards the floor in the centre of your feet. Then take one hand off the floor, keeping the arms straight and twist the torso reaching that arm towards the ceiling and opening up the chest. Take a few deep breaths here, then replace the hand and repeat on the other side.

Frog stretch

This is one is great for the hips! Start with your feet a bit more than shoulder-width apart (depending on your flexibility, you may want to go a touch wider). Firstly reach your hands towards the floor, lowering the torso (like the previous two exercises) then bend at both knees and lower your hips as far as they will go. You can gently move around in this position and if you want to take the stretch further, take one hand off the floor and twist up towards the ceiling (like the last forward twist) and repeat on the other side.

Greatest stretch in the world

Start by stepping one foot as far forward as possible to get into a long lunge with the back leg as straight as you can keep it. Take the opposite arm to the forward leg and place the hand on the floor on the inside of your foot. With the other hand, open up the chest and reach up toward the ceiling. Then replace the hand, step the foot back, bring the other foot forward and repeat on the other side.

Upper back stretches

This stretch is great fro those who spend most of the day at a desk. Find the edge of a surface you can lean against. Hold your arms straight out in front of you and clasp your hands together. Bend at the ebows and lean your elbows on the edge of the surface and lean forward as if pushing your head and chest through the gap in your upper arms. Do this gently and keep breathing.

Chest stretch

Another good one for those having upper back pain from sitting at a desk! Sitting or standing take both arms out to the side and bend at the elbows directing your hands towards the ceiling with the palms facing forward. From here you are going to squeeze your forearms backward, opening up the chest. Take 3 deep breaths, and relax before repeating 3 or 4 times.

Repeat each of these exercises gently slowly for 30 seconds to a minute.