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Physical Health

Healthy eating in colder months

Eat your fruit and veg

It is so easy to reach reach for the potatoes and pasta during the winter months, but you can ensure you are getting your 5 a day (minimum) by taking advantage of seasonable fruit and veg to add to your meals making you feel fuller for longer and less tempted by the sweet treats.

Keep Hydrated

Be sure to stay on top of your hydration and drink plenty of water throughout the day, teas and coffees may seem like the best idea when the weather is cold but might not be hydrating you enough…also be aware of extra caffeine!

Comfort food

As the days get colder and darker it is all too easy to reach for the ‘comfort food’ such as crisps and chocolate. Instead try introducing more hot, nutritious stews and casseroles into your dinner plans (also good for sneaking in extra vegetables.

Be aware of hidden calories

Its always nice to treat yourself to a fancy, frothy, caramel frappuccino with whipped cream, don’t let it become a habit! These drinks, however festive they feel, can contain approximately 350 calories!


The festive season can be a social time, or depending on current government guidelines can feel fairly lonely, however, remember to drink responsibly. Alcohol is a depressant and can leave you feeling irritable and low. You should also bare in mind your blood alcohol levels for when you next need to drive…a few hours sleep may not be enough!

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