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Full Body Supersets

Lets start the year strong with this full body workout that will keep you on your toes.

A superset is when you perform one exercise for the amount of repetitions or time given followed by a second exercise for the repetitions or time given, you then have a rest and repeat that pair for the given number of sets.

This workout is all supersets, 5 pairs of exercises that will work the whole body giving you a good session.

The Exercises

Superset 1


Feet are just over hip width apart with toes pointing forward. Bend at the knees and the hips, moving the hips backwards as if going to sit on a seat. Keep the back straight and the core engaged. Squeeze the glutes (bum) as you drive back up to standing.

Running toe taps

Find a surface on which you can tap you toe against, then switch feet and tap the other toe. Repeat this as quickly as possible. This is almost like high knees but instead of bringing your knee as high as possible you are aiming to tap your toe on the chosen surface.

Superset 2

Reverse lunges

Step one foot straight back, keeping your torso straight with your shoulders relaxed and core engaged. Lower your hips until your knees are roughly at 90 degree angles, not letting your back knee hit the floor. Then step it back to the other foot, repeat on the other side.

Jumping Jacks

Jump your feet apart and take your arms sideways up to a high ā€œVā€ shape, then jump your feet back together bringing the arms back down to your sides. Then repeat at speed with high energy.

Superset 3

Incline Press up

For this you will need a surface like a chair, a bench or if you are in a gym- a barbell in the rack is perfect. Place your hands on the edge of the surface (or on the bar bell) wider than shoulder width apart. The step your feet and rise up onto your toes so that you are leaning on the surface and get a straight line from your heels to your shoulders. Once you have got the position, bend the elbows and lower your chest towards the surface, keeping it nice and controlled, then breath out and push yourself back up- like a normal press up.

Walk outs

Start standing, bend at the hips (and knees if you need to, depending on your flexibility) until your hands reach the floor. Walk the hands forward until you are in a full plank position, then walk yourself back to standing- and repeat.

Superset 4


Start on all fours in a table top position and engage your core. Raise one arm in front of you and at the same time raise and extend the opposite leg behind you. Raise the arm and the leg so they are in line with your torso, while maintaining a strong and engaged core without allowing the back to extend or the core to dip. Then replace the arm and leg and repeat on the other side.

Bicycle kicks

Start by lying on your back with your hands behind your head or at your temples, then engage the core, and raise the shoulders and legs off the floor. Bring one knee in towards the chest and rotate the upper torso brining the opposite elbow in to meet the knee. Extend the leg back and return the torso to a straight position, then repeat on the other side. Try not to let the feet hit the floor until all repetitions are complete.

Superset 5

Jump squats

This is a progression from the squat pops, so this time start standing with your feet just over hip-width apart, then lower yourself into a squat. Then you are going to explosively jump up from the squat and as you land you are going straight into your next squat, then repeat- many times.

Mountain climbers

Start in a high plank position. While maintaining an engaged core, drive one knee up towards your chest underneath you, then replace and repeat on the other leg. Try to maintain a long line in your body from your shoulders to your heels. The speed at which you perform these will depend on your level of fitness.

The first exercise in each superset perform for 10 repetitions, followed by 30-40 seconds (based on fitness level) of the second exercise. Repeat each superset 3-4 times before moving onto the next.