Health and Wellbeing Portal

Physical Health

Drive Safe this Winter

Winter Driving Top Tips Winter Driving Emergency Kit It is best to be over-prepared when driving in winter, in case of breakdown or harsh weather try to keep the following items in your car: Ice Scraper and de-icerYou must, by law, keep your front and rear windscreen clear of snow and ice when driving. De-icer […]

Physical Health

Keeping Warm this Winter

Getting cold can affect your physical and mental health and with the current situation its important to find ways to keep yourself warm during the harsh temperatures. Layer up Be sure to pull out all your layers this winter! Cold weather conditions have been associated with various illnesses including common colds, flu, heart attacks, strokes […]


Core Exercises

For years we have seen core workouts everywhere promising six-pack abs, but more often than not these don’t really give us the results we are after. Firstly, it needs to be stated that doing 100 sit-ups a day is not going to achieve a flat stomach or a visible “six-pack”. This comes down to our […]