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Physical Health

Remember your Sun Lotion!

Why do we need sun lotion?

Sun lotion is the best way to protect your skin from sun burns. Sun burn can happen from extended periods of time outside with no sun lotion or not enough sun lotion or from using tanning beds. Reoccurring sunburn can lead to sun damage that can then cause skin cancer, ageing in the skin and other skin issues.

Which sun lotion should I use?

When buying sun lotion there are a couple of things you want to look at:

SPF (Sun Protection Factor)- These are rated on a scale of 2 to 50+ based on the level of protection they provide, 50+ being the strongest form of UVB protection.

Choose a SPF with a minimum factor 30 to protect against UVB (Ultraviolet B radiation).

The star rating you see on sun lotion measure the amount of UVA (Ultra violet A radiation) protection between 1 and 5 stars (5 being the most protection). Look to get a sun lotion with a minimum 4 star rating.

If you see the letters UVA inside a circle this means the UVA protection is at least a third of the SPF value and meets EU recommendations.

How much and how often do I need to use sun lotion?

SPF should be applied liberally 30 minutes before going out into the sun onto any exposed skin.

You should then be reapplying sun lotion again just before going out into the sun and then again every 2 hours or after being in water. You should generally be using about 2 tablespoons of sun lotion for every exposed area of skin.

Expiry date!

It might seem like a good idea to grab the sun lotion left over from holiday 2 years ago but sun lotion has an expiry date that you need to check. Using expired sun lotion can leave you open to getting sun burnt.

Stay safe in the sun!