Health and Wellbeing Portal

Health Promotion Spotlight Uncategorized

BackCare Awareness Week

With the global pandemic in mind, the past two years have been extremely difficult for all, and as a result BackCare Awareness Week 2021 (4th to 8th October) will be paying particular attention to: Working from Home Studying at Home Spending more time at Home BackCare have not forgotten those who are still working from […]

Physical Health

Importance of Sleep

Sleep is an extremely underrated necessity. With the need for more hours in the day and the rise in ‘hustle culture’ and the glamourising of working till all hours sleep is often pretty low on the priority list. However, this is not how it should be. How much sleep do we need Children and teenagers […]

Physical Health

Changes in the Weather- how does it effect us?

As we go from Summer to Autumn we may find, here in the UK, the weather is…lets say- indecisive. And with the seemingly random highs and lows in temperature you may see a rise in illnesses like the common cold. So can a sudden change in climate be the reason for the sniffles? Yes and […]

Physical Health

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. Vitamin D is needed to help keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. Lacking in vitamin D can lead to done deformities such as rickets in children, and bone pain caused by a condition called osteomalacia in […]

Mental Wellbeing Physical Health


What is it? How do I get it? How do I keep it? What is it? The word motivation is often used to describe ‘why’ a person does something and is commonly thought of as an internal drive that get us up and moving towards a set goal, eg. taking that class, starting that book, […]

Physical Health

Getting back in the gym

The gyms are back open! If you, like so many other people, haven’t been able to maintain the level of strength and fitness over lock-down then you are probably looking forward to getting back to it! However, we need to make sure we are smart about this. If you go straight back to hitting the […]

Physical Health

How do vaccines work?

Still unsure about vaccines? Have a read of this… The immune system Disease is caused by harmful organisms that can be found anywhere in our environment or other people around us, called pathogens. The body has many different ways of defending itself against pathogens such as skin, mucus and cilia which all work as physical […]


Top Winter Survival Tips

Keep warm Be sure to pull out all your layers this winter! Cold weather conditions have been associated with various illnesses including common colds, flu, heart attacks, strokes and pneumonia. Wrap yourself up in several thin layers of clothing as well as hats, scarves and gloves to maintain your body heat. Eat well ‘Tis the […]


Support and Be Supported

Here you can find a list of charities that can use all the help they can get with their project over the festive season and a list of helplines you can turn to if you yourself need any support or someone to talk to through the holidays. Give back this Christmas Book Trust The BookTrust […]

COVID-19 Health and Wellbeing Health Promotion Spotlight Mental Wellbeing

Stress Awareness

Most people have felt stressed at some point in their lives, and work-place stress can be very common in different working environments. In 2018, the Mental Health Foundation undertook the largest known study of stress levels in the UK. It revealed that in 2018, 74% of people had felt so stressed they were unable to […]