Health and Wellbeing Portal

Health Promotion Spotlight Mental Wellbeing Physical Health

Winter Survival Guide

This years Winter Survival Guide is here! This handy little guide includes top tips for keeping healthy over winter, how to keep warm, staying safe on the roads as well as signposting to helplines if you need some support this festive season and places where you can give back.

Health Promotion Spotlight

Cervical Screening Awareness Week

Cervical Screening Awareness Week this year is the 20th-26th June. So lets go over what is a cervical screening, what happens in a cervical screening and what actually is HPV? What is a cervical screening? A cervical screening (or smear test) is a free medical test that helps prevent cervical cancer. It does this by […]

Health Promotion Spotlight Mental Wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Week Focus- Loneliness

“The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” ― Mother Teresa “Where are the people?” resumed the little prince at last. “It’s a little lonely in the desert…” “It is lonely when you’re among people, too,” said the snake.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince At some point in out […]

Health Promotion Spotlight Mental Wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health – what is it, and why is it so important?! It seems that we are hearing about mental health more and more these days, as we learn about the widespread impacts of poor mental health and continue to navigate through a pandemic. Mental health is defined by the NHS as “a positive state […]

Health Promotion Spotlight

Time to Talk Day

3rd February 2022 is Time to Talk Day across the UK. Run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness in partnership with Co-op. The aim of Time to Talk Day is to help create supportive communities by having conversations with your friends, family and colleagues around mental health. Mental health is something that affects all of […]

Health Promotion Spotlight Nutrition Physical Health

Trying to cut down on the alcohol?

After all the festivities of the holiday season, January is the prime time to try and cut down on the alcohol (Dry January). Cutting down the amount of alcohol you consume can have so many benefits including helping you sleep better, helping with lowering your blood pressure and of course helping with your spending. There […]

Health Promotion Spotlight Uncategorized

BackCare Awareness Week

With the global pandemic in mind, the past two years have been extremely difficult for all, and as a result BackCare Awareness Week 2021 (4th to 8th October) will be paying particular attention to: Working from Home Studying at Home Spending more time at Home BackCare have not forgotten those who are still working from […]

COVID-19 Health and Wellbeing Health Promotion Spotlight Mental Wellbeing

Stress Awareness

Most people have felt stressed at some point in their lives, and work-place stress can be very common in different working environments. In 2018, the Mental Health Foundation undertook the largest known study of stress levels in the UK. It revealed that in 2018, 74% of people had felt so stressed they were unable to […]

Health Promotion Spotlight

World Cancer Day

4th February #IAmAndIWill World Cancer Day is a global uniting initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) created in the year 2000 which has since grown into a positive movement for everyone, everywhere. The UICC want to work together to get to a place where access to life-saving cancer treatment and care […]

Health Promotion Spotlight

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

20-26th January 2020 #SmearForSmear This is an annual campaign run by the UK’s leading cervical cancer charity Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust who this year are celebrating their 20th Anniversary. Their aim is to spread awareness of the things people can do to reduce the risk of cervical cancer. You may have seen various people and […]