Guidance 150 minutes minimum of exercise recommended weekly The UK Chief Medical Officer’s advice on weekly exercise is a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week (for example 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week), or a minimum of 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise per week (for example 25 minutes […]
Category: Mental Wellbeing
If, like many adults, you wake up still tired and groggy and looking forward to returning to bed…you are likely not getting enough sleep. Adults need around 8 hours of good sleep every night and not many get it. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, short temper, lack of focus and eventually can lead […]
Improve your Immunity

Your immune system is constantly working to defend your body against disease-causing microorganisms, but the occasional germ can make its way in and cause illness. There is no definitive way to boost your immunity system but there are many small things that can be done to improve the body’s general health and balance, which will […]

Try to see this as a different period of time inyour life The Mental Health Foundation suggests that self-isolation will mean a different rhythm of life for everyone, but that this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You can keep in touch with people you regularly have contact with on social media, email or […]

COVID-19 has been creating stress and tension across the globe, but what if you are already living with a mental health condition. For people with anxiety, depression and OCD, the daily news about COVID-19 can exacerbate existing mental health issues. The WHO recommendations include: Get the facts. Gather information that will help you accurately determine […]

In this uncertain time where it feels like health advice changes daily, we are now told that people living alone should self-isolate for 7 days if showing any symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Anyone living with other people that shows the symptoms must put the whole house on lockdown for 14 days. If anyone else […]

It’s common knowledge that most people will set themselves New Years resolutions only for them to be forgotten or abandoned potentially leading to feelings of failure. Well this post is to help you organise your resolutions using goal setting theory to help you stay on track! Top Tips for goal setting! Make your goal specific […]

Top Tips for Surviving the Winter Season! Keep warm Be sure to pull out all your layers this winter! Cold weather conditions have been associated with various illnesses including common colds, flu, heart attacks, strokes and pneumonia. Wrap yourself up in several thin layers of clothing as well as hats, scarves and gloves to maintain […]
The Teacher Wellbeing Index 2018 by the Education Support Partnership and YouGov found that 67% of education professionals describe themselves as stressed, and 74% consider the inability to switch off and relax to be a major contributing factor to a negative work/life balance. Here is a list of tips to help manage or reduce your […]