Health and Wellbeing Portal


Hotel room workout

Its summertime! And if you are someone that wants to keep consistent with their exercise while travelling or on holiday (this is a choice- you can just relax on holiday) then you might want a workout that can be done in the space of a hotel room. This workout only requires a small space and […]


Upper Body Posture Exercises

Bad posture can be the reason for a lot of pain or discomfort found in the back and is so easily adjusted. For those who work for the majority of their time at a desk will probably find their upper back becoming rounded and the shoulders falling forward. These exercises either help to strengthen the […]


High Intensity Cardio

It can be difficult to fit in a good workout when we are all so busy. The good thing about high intensity workouts is that we can put aside 30 minutes of our day, get in a good 5 minute warm up, 15-20 minutes of intense exercise and a 5 minute cool down and really […]


Busy gym workout (Dumbbell full body)

Every year, millions of people set their new years resolutions, and more often than not these are health and fitness-based. Which is great! If you feel like you need a kick-start date to really get you going then go for it. This does also mean that the first few months of the year is when […]


Core Exercises

For years we have seen core workouts everywhere promising six-pack abs, but more often than not these don’t really give us the results we are after. Firstly, it needs to be stated that doing 100 sit-ups a day is not going to achieve a flat stomach or a visible “six-pack”. This comes down to our […]


No Equipment Workout

Whether you are a beginner and not sure where to start or an expert that wants something quick they can do anywhere, this is a nice little no-equipment workout for you. The Exercises Running toe taps Find a surface or a wall you can touch one foot against, then start switching the feet as fast […]


Full Body Mobility

As temperatures drop and the days get shorter, a lot of us have a tendency to let our movement and activity slip. The temptation to curl up everyday is great…I understand. However, this could lead to more aches and pains. So here are some great stretches/exercises to get you moving and to help with any […]


Full body workout

If you have found yourself not moving that much this summer, because of the heat, because you don’t have time, because your fed up of being sweaty all the time- then you may also be starting to feel achy and stiff. This is your body telling you you need to get moving so here is […]


Dumbbell Circuit

Now that the heat has died down a little we can up the intensity of our workouts! This workout will make you work hard, but not harder than you can go. This is the perfect workout for those who need an introduction into higher intensity exercise. Just remember, when it comes to high intensity exercise, […]


Full body circuit

This workout is great if you have a little bit of space and limited equipment! You will be working all the main muscle groups and building some strength! The exercises Squat and lunge complex Start standing with your feet just over hip width apart with toes pointing forward and holding your dumbbells at your shoulders. […]