Health and Wellbeing Portal


20 Minute workout

This one is for all the crazy busy people out there! I am currently working a job and trying to write my thesis for my masters degree involving so many little things that it’s hard to wrap my head around. However, exercise is so important and I know I definitely need to get back in the habit of […]


Home Glute-focused Workout

Gluteals! Why train your butt muscles? Because I want a big booty? Nah, I want a STRONG booty! Having strong glutes is something that doesn’t cross everyone’s mind, but it can help support your lower back, protect your knees and help you improve your compound exercises. The Exercises Split Squat Or “static lunge”. Take a […]


Full Body Supersets

Lets start the year strong with this full body workout that will keep you on your toes. A superset is when you perform one exercise for the amount of repetitions or time given followed by a second exercise for the repetitions or time given, you then have a rest and repeat that pair for the […]