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Banded Strength Workout

If you want to exercise but you don’t have much space, or don’t want to spend lots of money on gym equipment or memberships then resistance bands may be your answer. Resistance bands come in different sizes with different strengths of resistance, they are very portable and can get you through a great strengthening workout!

Give these exercises a try!

The exercises

Mini band squat

Feet are just over hip width apart with toes pointing forward. Bend at the knees and the hips, moving the hips backwards as if going to sit on a seat. Keep the back straight and the core engaged. Squeeze the glutes (bum) as you drive back up to standing.

Mini band glute bridge

Lie down on the floor, keeping the band around your legs just above the knee, place the feet flat on the floor with the knees bent. To start the movement, think about tilting your pelvis under, then as you come down think about rolling down your spine. Then squeeze your glutes (bum cheeks) lifting the hips until you are in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees, control the hips back down and repeat.

Banded dead bug

Start lying on the floor and place the mini band so it is looped around your feet. Lift the feet off the floor so there is a 90-degree angle at your hips and knees (see video) and raise your arms so they are pointing towards the ceiling. Brace the core by thinking about flattening the curve in your lower back. Extend one leg so it almost touches the floor, at the same time move the opposite arm over the head towards the floor. Then return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. If you are struggling with the core engagement, place your finger-tips (only!) under the natural curve in your lower back and think about squeezing down on your fingers- and keep that squeeze throughout the whole movement.

Banded bent over row

Loop the band under your feet standing with your feet slightly apart and your hands holding the band at either end. Bend at the hips, lowering your chest while keeping your back straight and your core engaged. Draw the elbows backward, keeping them close to the body, moving the weights along the upper leg to just above the hips (think pockets) then control back down and repeat.

Banded pull aparts

Standing or sitting holding the band with both hands at either end. Hold your arms out in front of you with the palms facing down, try to keep a slight bend in the arm throughout the movement. From here you are going to move both arms out to the sides, pulling the band (again keep that slight bend in the arm). You are aiming to feel this in-between the shoulder blades and in the back of the shoulders. The slowly return the arms to the front and repeat.

Banded chest press

Take your long band holding each end in either hand and put it across your back (as if wrapping yourself up with a blanket). Sit on the floor and lean back until you are lying on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and the band underneath your shoulder blades. Then place your arms in a staple position out to the sides with the hands in the air (still holding onto the band) to start your chest press. Press the band upward above your chest with almost straight arms, then bend the elbows and bring them to the side until the upper arms are on the floor. Then repeat.

Perform each of these exercises for 10 repetitions, with as little rest as possible between exercises for 4 or 5 rounds (depending on your current fitness level).