Health and Wellbeing Portal

Physical Health

Want to drink less?

New year, new you?? With the start of a brand new year, now is the perfect time to set some goals, make those resolutions and start afresh! If one of your goals is to cut down on the alcohol then this post will give you some starting tips. Cutting down the amount of alcohol you […]


Back to basics workout

Its January again! And with the new year comes all of the resolutions and fresh-start feelings and you may want to either get yourself into exercise, or get yourself back into exercise after the holidays. One of the best ways to get yourself into, or back into, exercise is to strip it all back to […]

Physical Health

Top tips for driving this Winter

Driving in winter- something we don’t tend to think about until something goes wrong. However, in winter breakdowns and accidents are more common due to challenging weather and road conditions. We are here to help! Here are some of the best top tips to ensure you are fully prepared for driving in winter: Driving on […]


Kettlebell Workout

If you are short on time, equipment or just want to try something new then a good piece of kit to have a go with is the kettlebell. This workout will get your heart rate going, get you sweating and work your major muscle groups…all in just 20-25 minutes. The exercises Squat with pulseStand with […]


Pulse raiser workout

Short on time and want to get your heart going? Here is a great little workout that will work your heart, get you sweating and only uses minimal space and equipment. The exercises High knees Running on the spot but driving those knees as high as possible. For extra effort think about driving the arms […]

Physical Health

Preventing the common COLD

As Christmas is rapidly approaching we find ourselves at the beginning of cold and flu season, which is the worst. Statistically most of us will get at least one cold every year, but there are things we can do to reduce the risk of catching one. Colds are caused by viruses that are so easily […]


Dumbbell circuit

Having a good workout that requires minimal equipment is essential for those days when you don’t want to leave the house, or if the gym is too busy and it’s easier to grab a pair of dumbbells and find a corner to work in. The exercises Lateral lunge Start standing with your feet parallel, step […]


Low Impact Cardio

It is all too easy to see all the fitness people doing their workouts on telly and social media and become completely intimidated, or think things like “I don’t think my body will be able to do that” or “that would hurt my [insert body part here]”. But not all workouts need to be complicated, […]


Mini band workout

Summer is the time for holidays and having fun! However, if you want to keep consistent with your fitness then finding where and when to get yourself moving a little difficult. Now- just to make sure it has been said- you do not have to workout on holiday. But for those of you who want […]


Hotel room workout

Its summertime! And if you are someone that wants to keep consistent with their exercise while travelling or on holiday (this is a choice- you can just relax on holiday) then you might want a workout that can be done in the space of a hotel room. This workout only requires a small space and […]