Health and Wellbeing Portal

Nutrition Physical Health

The Importance of Hydration

It cannot be understated how important water is to the human body. Every part of the body (organs, cells, tissue) needs water to function properly. Hydration is important for our health. The amount of water we should be taking in each day may be different for each individual (generally the goal is 6-8 glasses of […]


Core exercises

I’m sure most people have heard of a “10 minute core workout”, or have tried performing 100 sit ups a day in order to loose weight and gain a “six-pack” with little results. Unfortunately I am here to tell you that these alone wont really work. The abdominals are part of the core muscles but […]

Physical Health

Remember your Sun Lotion!

Why do we need sun lotion? Sun lotion is the best way to protect your skin from sun burns. Sun burn can happen from extended periods of time outside with no sun lotion or not enough sun lotion or from using tanning beds. Reoccurring sunburn can lead to sun damage that can then cause skin […]


Lower body strength workout

Strengthening the muscles in the lower body can help you in your everyday life- things like, your muscular stamina, lifting and carrying things, your posture, easing aches and pains caused by imbalances as well as strengthening your bones and reducing your risk of injury. Exercises Deadlift Start standing with your feet hip-width apart and your […]


Exercises to help posture

Anything can affect our posture, whether its always wearing your bag on the same shoulder, hunching over at your desk or constantly putting all your weight on one leg. And day to day these things may not feel harmful, they may even feel like they are making things slightly easier. However, in the long-term these […]


Upper body strength workout

Thinking of upgrading your strength workouts but don’t know where to start? Well the first thing you can do is to start splitting your strength sessions so rather than doing a full body strength session twice a week, you can start to have an upper body focused session and a lower body focused session. This […]



It is a well-known fact that too much salt can contribute to high blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but how much is too much? And is it really that bad? Adults should be eating less than 6 grams of salt a day which is equivalent to a teaspoon, but on average […]


Banded Strength Workout

If you want to exercise but you don’t have much space, or don’t want to spend lots of money on gym equipment or memberships then resistance bands may be your answer. Resistance bands come in different sizes with different strengths of resistance, they are very portable and can get you through a great strengthening workout! […]

Physical Health

Heart Health

7.6 million people in the UK are currently living with a heart or circulatory disease. In the UK someone dies from a heart or circulatory condition every 3 minutes. It is estimated that more than half of the people in the UK will get a heart or circulatory condition in their lifetime. Its so easy […]


Full Body Mobility

January is finally over and you have been working hard at those new years resolutions but you find yourself aching non-stop! Well then these exercises are for you! We all know the importance of cardiovascular exercise and strength training but another equally important of our physical activity is mobility and flexibility. This isn’t to say […]